Separation anxiety in dogs: How to keep them calm when you leave them

separation anxiety in dogs

“My dog is freaking out when I leave”

Many pet owners complain about their dog or puppy freaking out when they leave them alone. This tends to break the pet owner’s hearts not to mention the annoyance and trouble when the pet owner is heading out. If your dog is acting restless or showing distress when you try to go outside, it may be a sign of separation anxiety. This is usually found in the case of newborn puppies or freshly adopted dogs or dogs with trauma. Separation anxiety often put pet owners in a box where they do not want to leave their dogs alone in their plight but also cannot take them along. Vet daycare services in Dubai are a big help with this problem

What is separation anxiety?

Dogs with separation anxiety when left alone freak-out and display behavioral problems. Separation anxiety occurs when a dog gets anxious or worried when its owner suddenly leaves him/her. It’s not just a little whining before you leave or a little trouble while you’re away. It’s a dangerous issue that’s one of the leading causes of dog owners being frustrated and giving up their pets. However, there are many things you can do to help. Experts managing vet daycare services in Dubai say that these issues are frequent signs that a dog needs to be taught proper house manners, but they can also be signs of unhappiness. But distress behaviors such as drooling and jumping around may not always be the case of separation anxiety.

When their guardians prepare to depart, some dogs with separation anxiety become nervous. Others appear anxious or melancholy before or after their guardians leave, or while they aren’t around. Some people attempt to keep their guardians from departing. When being left alone for a short period, the dog will begin barking and displaying other panic-ridden behaviors. You can take your dog to skilled a vet in Sharjah to learn more about the proper course of action to take.

Reasons for separation anxiety

The following could be the reasons for separation anxiety in reasons. Understanding the reasons why your dog is panicking is so much is necessary to provide him with necessary treatment measures.

  • Not being used to people and being left alone for the first time
  • New ownership
  • A past traumatic event, often in the case of a rescued dog
  • Change in routines (like if a pet owner who worked from home suddenly started to go out to the office)
  • Recent shift from shelter to home
  • Orphaned puppies
  • Mild diseases or negative health conditions

Signs of separation anxiety

How to know if your dog is indeed suffering from separation anxiety?  These signs can tell you:

  • Excessive howling or barking
  • Chewing things
  • Digging holes
  • Biting on carpet too much
  • Excessive salivating
  • Try to run away
  • Scratching at doors and windows
  • Urination
  • Jumping on you
  • Trying to go with you
  • Relentless pacing

If your dog is displaying any of these signs to a great degree, then he/she is probably suffering from separation anxiety. Remember, your dog can also mildly do these activities for any other reason. Training them good house manners would do the trick in such cases.

What to do if your dog is suffering from separation anxiety

When it comes to treating a dog with separation anxiety, the goal is to train him to appreciate, or at the very least accept, being left alone. This is accomplished by arranging things in such a way that the dog encounters the scenario that causes him to worry, namely being alone, without dread or anxiety.

First, consult your vet in Sharjah to rule out any medical issues. Infections, hormone disorders, and other health issues might lead dogs to have accidents in the house. It can also be caused by the dog not yet getting used to the house. Additionally, some drugs have the potential to induce mishaps. Whether your dog takes any medications, check with your veterinarian to see if they are at fault.

Mild case

If you think the problem is mild, you can handle it with simple measures. You can try giving your dog his/her favorite treat when you are away. This will train the dog to get accustomed or even look forward to the times you leave the house. Try to leave and come back with indifference. Take some time to greet your dog when you come back home. Leave some items out that smell like you that have been worn recently. Give your pet natural soothing supplements that are available. Establish a statement or action that informs your dog you’ll be returning every time you leave. Consider using a relaxing substance to help your dog become less scared. You can seek the services of pet groomers for mobile grooming in Sharjah.

Severe case

If it is a severe case of separation anxiety, you need to be more careful. Even the most delicious goodies will not be enough to divert a dog with extreme anxiety. You’ll have to gradually familiarize them with your absence. You can consult a certified veterinarian to take proper treatment measures.  Pet and give your dog a treat for his/her good behavior. This training will teach them how to remain calm and happy in one location while you go to another. You can try confining the dog to a room with enough air supply and toys. You can buy them toys that can keep them distracted and busy.You can gradually fade away after your dog begins to feel less nervous about it. Request that your dog remains, then close an interior door between you. After a few seconds, they reappeared. Increase the length of time you’re gone gradually. Make a show of the way you get ready for going out. Request that your dog remains in the room while you go into another.

What not to do

Here is a list of things NOT to do when your dog or pup is suffering from separation anxiety. The below techniques will not help the dog with his/her stress and can do damage if you are not too careful. It would be best to void these severe measures entirely.

  • Punishing the dog when they begin to panic
  • Getting another dog or pet for a companion can seem like a good idea, but it is not that effective since the dog wants to be with YOU.
  • Crating your dog will make it exhibit anxious behaviors, such as urinating or injuring itself in an attempt to escape. You can create alternate confining spaces that do not look like a crate or a cage.
  • Leaving the television on will not help the dog calm down
  • Severe training will only hurt your dog and make it more traumatized. While a mild amount of obedience training is necessary, do not overdo it and complicate your dog’s anxiety.

Wrapping it up

Separation anxiety in dogs can happen due to many reasons like change in routine, sudden shifts from the shelter, change in pet ownership or past traumas. Separation anxiety can be detected from the behavioral patterns of your dog. You need to be careful and delicate with your dog if you find him/her suffering from separation anxiety. If your dog is showing signs of separation anxiety in small amounts, it would be sufficient to try giving him treats for good behavior, not directly engaging as soon as you come home, and not making a big deal out of your departure. You can also leave clothes that smell of you with your pet. Severe cases of separation anxiety need more drastic attention and you can consult with a certified vet in Sharjah to know what actions to take.

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